Bitter Sweet Illusion(poem)
She wants that Bonnie and Clyde
Although this lad ain't about it .
He just wanna touch some boobies and pipe her
Definitely not about to wife her
Yet selling her dreams that are just too far from what he sees as reality
For he just sees woman as gum you can just chew and spit out
He is the perfect womaniser
A smooth talker yet a ruthless fucker
Going around planting seeds in each and every beautiful garden
Leaving it's flowers dead and withered
Rain falls ,screams of labour pains in the silence ,whispers in the streets
Once apple of her father's eyes has turned homeless
Disowned and left to fend on her own
Fellas taking advantage for she is now used goods no longer pure in the eyes of men
Yet these very same fellas change woman like their undies instead of being treated the same they are given a pat on the back
"At it boy!", "Go get em tiger!"
While she's out there drowning in shame
Misery and embarrassment
As the whole world turns a blind eye
she whispers silently for none to make sense but loud enough to wake her deceased mind yelling "paddle girl paddle"
by Awonke Zoya

Bitter Sweet illusion
Puplished 3rd October 2023